Elisabetta Baldisserotto

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Elisabetta Baldisserotto is a psychoanalyst and writer, living and working in Venice. In addition to numerous articles in specialist magazines, her non-fiction publications include the monographs Leggere i sentimenti. Un percorso psicologico e letterario (Read the Feelings: A Psychological and Literary Journey, Moretti & Vitali, 2011), Figure della passione. Tra psicoanalisi e letteratura (Figures of Passion: Between Psychoanalysis and Literature, Vivarium, 2014) and Francesco Baldisserotto. Storia di un patriota veneziano (Francesco Baldisserotto: Story of an Italian Patriot, Supernova, 2020). She also edited Diario Analitico. Il mio percorso terapeutico (An Analytical Diary: My Therapeutic Journey, Vivarium, 2017). Her short fiction includes ‘Un caso umano’ (‘A Human Case’ in Ten Small Ignobles, edited by B. Graziani, Piazza, 2013). Her short story ‘Carmen’ (collected in Ritratti di donne (Women’s Portraits, Terra d’ulivi edizioni, 2020) was winner of the 2002 Pordenonelegge Critics’ Prize. She has also published the novels Morire non è niente (Dying is Nothing, Cleup, 2015), Beyond the Water (Cleup, 2017), awarded the 2018 Giallo Indipendente Award and Gli occhiali di Hemingway (Hemingway’s Glasses, Cleup, 2019).

Books by Elisabetta Baldisserotto