Enrico Palandri

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Enrico Palandri (born in Venice, 1956) is an Italian academic, writer, essayist, poet and translator. His early books, Boccalone (Edizioni L’Erba Voglio, 1979) and Le Pietre e il sale (Ages Apart, Garzanti, 1986) explore the Italian political climate of the 1970s. After his third novel (Le vie del ritorno, 1990, translated in German, French and English as The Way Back, 1993), Palandri explored storytelling in an unrealistic, fantastic mode (Allegro fantastico, 1993). Other novels are, Le colpevoli ambiguità di Herbert Markus, (The Guilty Ambiguities of Herbert Markus, Bompiani, 1997), Angela prende il volo, (Angela Flies Off, Feltrinelli, 2000), L’altra sera (The Other Evening, Feltrinelli 2003), and I fratelli minori (Younger Brothers, Bompiani, 2010). The six novels between 1986 and 2010 were woven into a newly written single narrative as Le condizioni atmosferiche (Atmospheric Conditions, Bompiani, 2020). Palandri’s latest novel was published in 2017, L’inventore di se stesso (The Inventor of Himself, Bompiani); it explores some features of the history of Venice through a redefinition of a father and son relationship. He is also a published poet, journalist and radio broadcaster.

Books by Enrico Palandri