Stephen Baxter

Stephen Baxter - placeholder book cover


Stephen Baxter’s science fiction novels have won several awards including the John W Campbell Memorial Award, the British Science Fiction Association Award, the Kurd Lasswitz Award and the Seiun Award (all for The Time Ships), as well as the Philip K Dick Award (for The Time Ships and Vacuum Diagrams). He has published over 100 SF short stories, several of which have won prizes, including three Analog Awards, two BSFA awards and a Sidewise Award. His novel Voyage was dramatised by Audio Movies for BBC Radio and broadcast in 1999. His TV and movie work includes the BBC’s Invasion: Earth, broadcast in April-May 1998, and Episode 3 of Space Island One, broadcast on Sky One in January 1998. His nonfiction includes the books Deep Future and Omegatropic. He is President of the British Science Fiction Association, and a Vice-President of the H.G. Wells Society.

Books by Stephen Baxter